ISO 27001 : A Business View

Hi People,

I am back after a strong lethargic break. Before i go back to hibernation (i can promise that i will be regular from now onward, but people who know me will differ — and i don’t blame them, either — but i digress), let me share a presentation that i did for a NULL meeting (what? You don’t know NULL? Shame on you!, go back and Google; on second thoughts, read this please and then go back, coz i am not sure if you will come back!).

Please visit this Google Presentation and share the feedback. My take is:-

ISO 27001 is a standard which provides a structured and step-by-step approach in solving many security problems , most of which do not involve technology.

I have tried to take some examples to illustrate some events that technology will need some years to solve. However, using a methodology such as ISO 27001 helps us in securing, and maintaining the same, the information and infrastructure supporting it.